Der Autokraten-Code

A film by Alexandra Hardorf and Christiane Schwarz

“The Autocrat Code” ventures an unprecedented experiment: six experts from different fields use artificial intelligence to build an autocratic leader for Germany.

In the course of the experiment, the artificial intelligence creates the new German politician: Maximilian Friedrich Weber. His appearance, his voice, his political plans - everything is based on the decisions of the computer intelligence. The documentary takes a look into the engine room of AI and gives an idea of what can happen when political actors use the new technology without scruples. Will the AI-generated digital avatar act as a credible politician? Would people vote for him? And how radically does an AI-generated politician act to win votes?

The film reveals the political gaps in dealing with artificial intelligence and at the same time examines how defensible democracy is in Germany.

A Dokness production commissioned by ARD and produced by SWR.

Autor:innen: Alexandra Hardorf, Christiane Schwarz
Dramaturgische Beratung: Dr. Eva-Maria Fahmüller, Thomas Schrader
Ethische Fachberaterin: Prof. Dr. Jessica Heesen
Politik-Umfrage: Prof. Dr. Sascha Huber
Juristische Fachberatung: Kanzlei Heinz & von Rothkirch, Unverzagt Anwälte
Redaktionelle Mitarbeit: Merle Budde
Archivrecherche: Chrysanthi Goula
Prod.-/Herst.-Leitung: Jan Philip Lange
Produktionskoordination: Julia Lawo
Set-Aufnahmeleitung Kampagnenraum: Paul Fathmann
Kamera: Michael „Michi“ Dreyer, Jonny Müller-Goldenstedt, Matthias Kind, André Krüger, Will Dano, Joe Cooper, Ragip Alkan
Datawrangler:Henning Lindow, Konrad Buschke
Ton Kampagnenraum: Bastian Seidel, Patrick Benze
Postproduction Manager: Lucas Keßler
Schnitt Hamburg: Elisabeth Hirsch
Schnitt Bremen: Jan Albracht
Tonschnitt & Tonmischung: Frank Buermann
Grafik: Steven Breden
Colorgrading: Jutta Boukamp
Produktionsleitung SWR: Jochen Dickbertel
Produzentin: Heidi Bruns
Head-Producer: Christian Gauer-Mettin
Redaktion: Mirjam Dolderer (SWR), Antje Stamer (SWR)

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